We are seeking volunteers to join the committees listed below for the 2024-25 school year. If you see OPEN under a committee, we need your help! For committees without an open spot listed, we already have volunteers, but we always welcome more participants. If you're interested in learning more about any committee or want to get involved, please email president@agbellptsa.org.
Many of the committee header images below link to the webpage, where you can learn more about the event or program. Simply click on the image
2024-2025 Committees & Chairs
- Advocacy & Legislative Chair: OPEN
- Art Crew Chair: OPEN
- Art Crew Committee Members: OPEN
- Book Exchange Co-Chair: OPEN
- Book Exchange Co-Chair: OPEN
- Book Exchange Committee Member: OPEN
- Book Fair Chair: Leslie Victor
- Bulletin Board Chair: Debby Willsey
- Communications Chair: OPEN
- Community Events Committee Member: OPEN
- Community Events Committee Member: OPEN
- Community Events Committee Member: OPEN
- Community Events Committee Member: OPEN
- Community Events Committee Member: OPEN
- Dine-Outs Chair: OPEN
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Chair: Lily Alvarez
- Egg Drop Co-Chair: OPEN
- Egg Drop Co-Chair: OPEN
- Emergency Preparation Chair: Amanda Heckman
- Enrichment Programs Chair: Kathy Kaulius
- Fifth Grade Fundraising Chair: OPEN
- Financial Review Committee: OPEN
- Financial Review Committee: OPEN
- Financial Review Committee: OPEN
- Green Team Chair: OPEN
- Green Team Committee Member: OPEN
- Harvest Party Co-Chair: Lindsey Pepper
- Harvest Party Co-Chair: OPEN
- Harvest Party Committee Member: OPEN
- Holiday Gift Drive Chair: Mindy Levering
- Kindergarten Playdate Chair: Keri Morgan
- Kindergarten Playdate Committee Member: Marika McCaddon
- Math Competition Chair: Tamara Bonaci
- Math Competition Committee Member: OPEN
- Math Competition Committee Member: OPEN
- Membership Chair: Keri Morgan
- Multicultural NIght Co-Chair: OPEN
- Multicultural NIght Co-Chair: OPEN
- Nominating Committee Member: OPEN
- Nominating Committee Member: OPEN
- Nominating Committee Member: OPEN
- Pantry Packs Chair: OPEN
- Pantry Packs Committee Member: OPEN
- Parent Education Chair: OPEN
- Parent Education Committee Member: OPEN
- Popcorn Friday Chair: Leslie Victor
- Popcorn Friday Committee Member: Meribeth Haeck
- Reader Board Chair: Gretchen Dalquist
- Reflections Chair: Amanda Heckman
- School Dance Chair: OPEN
- School Dance Committee: OPEN
- School Dance Committee: OPEN
- School Dance Committee: OPEN
- School Dance Committee: OPEN
- School Dance Committee: OPEN
- School Play Chair: Amy Christensen
- Spirit Wear Chair: Leslie Victor
- Staff Appreciation Co-Chair: Tammy Sittnick
- Staff Appreciation Co-Chair: OPEN
- S.T.E.A.M. Night Chair: OPEN
- S.T.E.A.M. Night Committee Member: OPEN
- S.T.E.A.M. Night Committee Member: OPEN
- Summer Playdates Chair: OPEN (summer 2024)
- Supporting Bell Families In-Need Chair: OPEN
- Talent Show Chair: OPEN
- Talent Show Committee Member: OPEN
- Walk to School Week Co-Chair: Tammy Sittnick
- Walk to School Week Co-Chair: Charlene Dy
- Website Chair: Keri Morgan
- Yearbook Co-Chair: Keri Morgan
- Yearbook Co-Chair: Amanda Heckman
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Saturday, April 5
- Monday, April 14
- Tuesday, April 15
- Wednesday, April 16
- Thursday, April 17
- Friday, April 18