First Day of Kindergarten - GROUP B (staggered start for kindergarten)


School Start & End Times for 2023-24

Bell is now an early start school!  Starting in the fall of 2023 we will be transitioning our day by 40 minutes!  This means school will start at 8:40 and end at 3:10 daily, with early release at 1:40 on Wednesdays.  Our office will be open from 7:45 until 3:45 daily.

September 5th - 7th are Half Days of School - Family Connection Conferences and Kindergarten Staggered Start

We value and deeply appreciate relationships with our families in Lake Washington School District. Years of research* indicate that family-school engagement can result in positive outcomes for student academic achievement and social-emotional development.  Therefore, we will be holding family connection conferences the first three days of the school year.  
  • Students in grades 1-5 will attend school for a half-day to accommodate individual Family Connection Conferences for all students the second half of the day
  • Kindergarten students will not attend school the first three days of school in accordance with House Bill 1723 allowing for Family Connection Conferences which is a component of WaKIDS. 
Additionally, Kindergarten students will have a staggered start into school to allow teachers to provide more support to students as they make the transition into kindergarten.   Kindergarten students will attend school on either Friday, September 8, and not on Monday, September 11 (Group A) or will attend school on Monday, September 11, and not on Friday, September 8 (Group B).   Half of our Kindergarten students will attend on each of these days. Teachers will communicate with families and indicate which day they have been assigned. All Kindergarten Students will attend on Tuesday, September 12.
Monday, September 11, 2023